【重要】 イギリス 学生ビザ(Tier4)に関するお知らせ



  • このビザ規定より、学生ビザでの就労は、週20時間 ⇒ 週10時間に変更になりました。
  • ピックアップ記事
    • Successful applicants from outside the EU will have to speak English to a level only just below GCSE standard, rather than beginner level as at present
    • Students taking courses below degree level will be allowed to work for only 10 hours a week, instead of 20 as at present
    • Those on courses which last under six months will not be allowed to bring dependants into the country, while the dependants of students on courses below degree level will not be allowed to work
    • Additionally, visas for courses below degree level with a work placement will also be granted only if the institutions they attend are on a new register, the Highly Trusted Sponsors List.


  • 詳細は、当社までお問い合わせください